Troubleshooting User Interface Startup
Chapter 12590
Troubleshooting User Interface Startup
Data Protector user interface start-up problems are usually the result of
services not running, services not being installed, or problems with
network communication.
Inet Is Not Responding on the Cell Manager
The following message appears:
Cannot access the system (inet is not responding). The Cell
Manager host is not reachable, is not up and running, or has
no Data Protector software installed and configured on it.
Action If communication between the systems is not the problem, check the
installation using telnet.
It is possible that some components were not or were improperly
installed. Review the steps in the HP OpenView Storage Data Protector
Installation and Licensing Guide.
If the installation is correct, run the omnisv -status command to check
whether the services on the Cell Manager are running properly.
No Permissions to Access the Cell Manager
The following message appears:
Your Data Protector administrator set your user rights so
that you do not have access to any Data Protector
Contact your Data Protector administrator for details.
Action Contact the Data Protector administrator to add you as a user and give
you appropriate user rights in the cell. Refer to Chapter 3, “Configuring
Users and User Groups,” on page 81.