Managing the Data Protector Internal Database
Configuring the IDB
Chapter 9 399
• Perform the IDB backup using a separate media pool on separate
media, on a specific device. Make sure you know which media you use
for the IDB backup. You can configure a Session Media Report to be
informed about the media used for the backup. This greatly simplifies
eventual restore. If possible, use a device locally connected to the Cell
Manager. Refer to “Data Protector Reporting” on page 315.
• Set data protection and catalog protection to a few days only. Set
these options such that you have at least the last two IDB backup
versions protected.
• Always have the Check Internal database option enabled (default).
See Figure 9-5.
• Do not overwrite the previous IDB backup with the new one (keeping
several copies is suggested).
What Happens
During the IDB
During the IDB backup, Data Protector does the following:
• Checks the consistency of the IDB, thus preventing the backing up
and later restoring a corrupted IDB. For this check to happen, you
need to have the Check Internal database option enabled (default).
The check operation takes approximately 1.5 hours for a 10 GB
database with a fnames.dat file size of 1 GB.
• Backs up the IDB online (while the IDB is in use). Therefore, other
backup or restore sessions can run while the IDB backup runs. But, if
possible, back up the IDB when no other backup and restore activities
are in progress.
• Backs up all Data Protector configuration data, including the data on
devices, backup specifications, and schedules. This simplifies recovery
in case of a disaster.
NOTE Only one IDB backup can run at a time.
Disabling the
Automatic Check
Before Backup
By default, Data Protector automatically checks the consistency of the
IDB before the database is backed up. You can enable or disable the
automatic consistency check. It is strongly recommended that you keep
the automatic IDB check enabled.