Configuring and Using Backup Devices
Configuring File Devices
Chapter 226
Configuring File Devices
What Are File
A file device is a file in a specified directory to which you back up data
instead of writing it to a tape. File devices are available for standalone
devices and Jukebox devices simulation. The file device functionality is
available on the Windows, HP-UX, Solaris, AIX, and Linux operating
The default capacity of a file device is 100 MB for data and 10 MB for the
catalog. The default segment size (for a 100 MB file device) is 30 MB.
The recommended segment sizes for specific file device sizes is:
Data Protector never measures the amount of free space on the
filesystem; it takes either the default or the specified capacity as the file
size limit. If the disk on which the file device resides runs out of space,
the backup will fail. The largest capacity specified for a file is 500 GB on
Windows and 4 GB on UNIX systems.
Data Protector does not support using compressed files for file devices.
You can change the default file size by changing the
FileMediumCapacity parameter in the
<Data_Protector_home>\Config\Options\global file on the
Windows Cell Manager or in the /etc/opt/omni/options/global file
on the HP-UX or Solaris Cell Manager.
Table 2-1 The Recommended Segment Sizes for Specific Device File Sizes
File size (GB) Segment size (MB)
< 10 100
< 100 500
< 200 1000
< 300 1500
< 400 2000
< 500 2500