Managing the Data Protector Internal Database
Configuring the IDB
Chapter 9 397
By default, transaction logging is disabled. If enabled, transaction logs
from the latest IDB backup are kept until the next backup. If a
transaction log file reaches 2 MB, a new one is created. An IDB backup
removes all existing transaction logs, except for the currently active one,
and starts to create new ones.
Why Enable
Transaction Logs?
In order to perform the most convenient IDB recovery method, guided
autorecovery, with replaying logs, you need to have available the
transaction log files created after the last IDB backup.
Disk Space
The disk space used for the transaction logs depends on the amount of
backups done between two IDB backups. If the filenames are already in
the IDB, the amount is fairly small and the reserved space of 100 MB
should be enough for most cases. If new filenames are backed up, the
disk space usage is considerable (estimation is 200 bytes per filename). It
is recommended to enable transaction logs after the first full backup of
the environment (when all filenames are stored in the IDB).
How to Enable the
Transaction Logs
To enable transaction logs, proceed as follows:
1. Stop all backups and other Data Protector activities and run the
omnisv -stop command to stop Data Protector services:
• On Windows: <Data_Protector_home>\bin\omnisv -stop
• On UNIX: /opt/omni/sbin/omnisv -stop
2. Ensure that there is enough disk space in the following directory:
• On Windows:
• On UNIX: /var/opt/omni/db40/logfiles/syslog
3. Edit the velocis.ini file and set the value of the Archiving
parameter to 1.
• On Windows:
• On UNIX:
4. Start the Data Protector services using the omnisv -start