Disaster Recovery
Assisted Manual Disaster Recovery of a Windows System
Chapter 10 453
\i386\tools\DRSetup (located on Data Protector installation
medium) for 32 bit Windows Client or Cell Manager on two floppy
disks (drsetup diskettes) or
<Data_Protector_home>\Depot\DRSetup64 or
\i386\tools\DRSetup64 (Data Protector installation medium) for
64 bit Windows systems on three floppy disks. In case of a disaster,
save the updated SRD file of the crashed client to the first floppy disk
(disk1). Only one set of drsetup diskettes is required per site for all
Windows systems, but you must always copy an updated SRD file of
the crashed client on the first floppy disk. If multiple SRD files are
found, Data Protector will ask you to select the appropriate version.
6. In order to re-create disk partitions to their initial state prior to the
crash, record the following information for each partition (it will be
needed during the recovery process):
• partitions length and order
• drive letters assigned to the partitions
• partitions filesystem type
This information is stored in the SRD file. The -type option in the
diskinfo section of the SRD file shows the partition filesystem type for
a particular partition:
Table 10-2 How to Determine the Filesystem Type from the SRD File
Type number Filesystem
1 Fat12
4 and 6 Fat32
5 and 15 Extended partition
11 and 12 Fat32
66 LDM partition