Configuring and Using Backup Devices
Configuring Standalone Devices
Chapter 2 23
Configuring Standalone Devices
What Are
Standalone devices are simple backup devices with one drive that reads
from or writes to one medium at a time. They are used for small-scale
backups. When a medium is full, the operator has to manually replace it
with a new medium so that the backup can proceed. Standalone devices
are not appropriate for large, unattended backups.
Data Protector provides simple configuration and management of media
used in standalone backup devices.
How to Configure
a Standalone
Once you have prepared the device for configuration as described in
“Configuring Backup Devices” on page 20, configure a standalone device
so that you can use it with Data Protector. In the Devices & Media
context, right-click Devices and click Add Device. In the Add Device
wizard, specify the Standalone device type. Refer to Figure 2-2.
For detailed steps and examples, refer to the online Help index keyword
“configuring standalone devices”.
Data Protector supports a specific set of backup devices. Refer to the HP
OpenView Storage Data Protector Software Release Notes for a detailed
list of supported devices and their corresponding media types.
In case you want to use a device that is not in the list of supported
devices, refer to “Support of New Devices” on page 41.
TIP You can also let Data Protector automatically configure most common
devices. You still need to prepare the media for a backup session, but
Data Protector determines the name, policy, media type, media policy,
and the device’s SCSI II address or device file. For detailed steps, refer to
the online Help index keyword “autoconfiguring backup devices”.