Scheduling Unattended Backups
Chapter 5 209
Starting Backups on Specific Dates
Data Protector allows you to define the date and time when you want
your unattended backup to start. You usually want to back up on specific
dates when configuring exceptions to your regular periodic backups, for
example, if you want to back up some data before a specific event.
How to Configure
Backups on
Specific Dates
To configure a backup on a specific date, you can create a new backup
specification, or modify an existing one. For detailed steps, refer to the
online Help index keyword “scheduling backups on specific dates and
Starting Periodic Backups
Periodic backups are based on a time period after a specific date. For
example, you may configure periodic backups so that a full backup is
done on Sunday at 3 a.m. and repeated every two days. The next full
backup would be at 3 a.m. the following Tuesday. Periodic backups
simplify backup configuration for regularly scheduled backups.
Data Protector provides predefined backup schedules to simplify the
Predefined Backup Schedules
The predefined backup schedules provided can be used to simplify your
configuration. You can modify the schedules later. Schedule types
include those described in the following sections:
Daily intensive
Data Protector runs a full backup at midnight and two additional
incremental backups at 12:00 (noon) and 18:00 (6 p.m.) every day. This
backup type is intended for database transaction servers and other
environments with intensive backup requirements.
Daily full
Data Protector runs a full backup every day at 21:00 (9 p.m.). This is
intended for backups of single workstations or servers.
Weekly full
Data Protector runs a full backup every Friday and Incr1 backups every
day from Monday to Friday at 21:00 (9 p.m.). This is intended for small