
Disaster Recovery
Troubleshooting Disaster Recovery on Windows
Chapter 10 517
<Data_Protector_home>\tmp) if improperly configured storage
devices are attached to your system:
DRIM_WIN_ERROR 13 SetupDiGetDeviceRegistryProperty
There must be enough registry space available. It is recommended to
set the maximum registry size to at least twice that of the current
registry size. If there is not enough registry space available, a similar
entry would appear in the autodr.log :
ERROR registry 'Exception while saving registry'
WindowsError: [Errno 1450] Insufficient system resources
exist to complete the requested service.
If the problem persists, uninstall the Data Protector Automatic Disaster
Recovery component (so that at least Manual Disaster Recovery and
Disk Delivery Disaster Recovery will work) and contact technical
Problem Some Non-critical Errors Were Detected
When using EADR or OBDR, it is possible that you will receive the
following error: “Some non-critical errors were detected during
the collecting of Automatic DR data. Please review the
Automatic DR log file.
A non-critical error detected during the execution of the Automatic
Disaster Recovery module, means that such backup can most likely still
be used for disaster-recovery purposes. Possible reasons for non-critical
errors are stored in autodr.log (located in
Action Services or drivers outside of the <%SystemRoot%> folder (for
example, virus scanners). Autodr.log would contain a similar error
ERROR safeboot 'unsupported location' 'intercheck support 06' 2
u'\\??\\D:\\Program Files\\Sophos SWEEP for NT\\icntst06.sys'.
You can ignore this error message, as it does not affect the success of
disaster recovery.
Boot disk larger than 7.8 GB on Windows NT. The autodr.log file
contain a similar error message:
INFO storage 'check_system_partition' 'boot' u'C:'
ERROR storage 'boot' 'volume' u'C:' 'last_cyl' 1105 ' >= 1024.'