
Customizing the Data Protector Environment
Firewall Support
Chapter 11 531
NOTE The OB2PORTRANGESPEC variable only applies to dynamically allocated
ports. It does not affect the usage of the default Data Protector port
number 5555.
Defining a port range for a specific Data Protector agent process limits
the port usage of this agent. It does not prevent other processes
(applications or other Data Protector agents) from allocating ports from
this range as well.
Using Both
Variables Together
If both variables OB2PORTRANGESPEC and OB2PORTRANGE are set,
OB2PORTRANGESPEC overrides the settings of OB2PORTRANGE.
For example, the setting
limits the port range used by the Media Agent to port numbers
18000-18009, while all other Data Protector processes use port numbers
from the range 22000-22499.
By using both variables it is possible to force a specific agent to use only
a dedicated port range (OB2PORTRANGESPEC) and, at the same time,
prevent other Data Protector processes from selecting port numbers from
this range.
Port Usage in Data Protector
The following section provides two tables that describe the port
requirements of the different Data Protector components. Table 11-2
breaks down the different Data Protector components and shows to
which other components they can connect. It also defines the destination
specification for the firewall rules. Table 11-3 gives the same list of
components but shows from which other components they can accept
connections. It also determines the source port of the firewall rule.