Pre- and Post-Exec Commands
Chapter 5254
✓ The execution of pre- and post-exec commands is implemented
using the Windows pipe mechanism. All processes started in the pre-
or post-exec functions must finish before processing continues.
✓ A pre- or post-exec command must return a non-negative value
upon successful completion.
✓ If a pre-exec command fails (returns a value less than 0), the status
of the backup session is set to Failed and the session is aborted.
✓ If a post-exec command fails (returns a value less than 0), the
backup session status is set to Completed with errors.
✓ The pre- and post-exec commands for a backup specification are by
default NOT executed during a preview of the backup. This behavior
is defined by the ExecScriptOnPreview variable in the global options
file. See “Global Options File” on page 523 for details on how to
modify these values.
✓ Pre- and post-exec commands are handled in the same way as
commands entered at the DOS prompt. Therefore, special characters,
such as the pipe ( | ) and the redirect symbols (>, <) are not allowed.
✓ While pre- or post-exec commands are running, the backup session
cannot be aborted.
✓ The pre- and post-exec commands run in the background mode.
Therefore, do not use any commands that require user interaction.
✓ Standard output of the pre- and post-exec commands is written to
the IDB as messages and shown on the monitor screen of the Data
Protector GUI.
✓ You can disable a session’s pre- and post-exec command execution
on the Cell Manager by setting SmDisableScript global option to 1.
✓ You can disable remote session pre- and post-exec command
execution on any client by adding OB2REXECOFF=1 into the omnirc file
on the specific client.
✓ You can secure the client by specifying which Cell Managers are
allowed to access the client. Only permitted Cell Managers will be
able to execute pre- and post-exec commands on the client. For
more information on securing a client, refer to the HP OpenView
Storage Data Protector Installation and Licensing Guide.