Scheduling Unattended Backups
Chapter 5 211
To disable a backup schedule, select the Disable Schedule option in the
Schedule property page. The backup will not be performed until you
deselect this option.
Disabling backup schedules does not influence currently running backup
Skipping Backups During Holidays
By default, Data Protector runs backups on holidays.
If you do not wish to run your backups on holidays, set the Holidays
option to ON in the Schedule page of the Backup wizard. You can
identify holidays from the Holidays file or as red dates on the Schedule
To set different holidays, edit the Holidays file, located in the following
• on UNIX: /etc/opt/omni/Holidays
• on Windows: <Data_Protector_home>\Config\Holidays
How you configure your scheduling policies strongly influences the
effectiveness and performance of your backup. For example, if the date
January 1 is registered as a holiday, Data Protector will not back up on
that date. If you have scheduled a full backup for January 1st and an
incremental for January 2nd, Data Protector will skip running the full
backup on January 1st but will run the incremental backup scheduled
for January 2nd. The incremental backup will be based on the last full
Configuring Backup Options When Scheduling
When scheduling a backup, you can set further options. These options
are only valid for scheduled backups and not for those started
interactively. Data protection that is specified in the Schedule Backup
dialog overrides protection settings anywhere else in the backup
How to Set
Schedule Backup
You can set schedule backup options when creating a new backup
specification, or when modifying an existing one. For detailed steps, refer
to the online Help index keyword “setting schedule backup options”.