Troubleshooting Devices and Media
Chapter 12 575
Device Open Problem
The error message Cannot open device (not owner) appears when
trying to use a DDS device.
Action Check whether you are using a medium that is incompatible with the
Media Recognition System. Media used with DDS drives must comply
with the Media Recognition System.
Using Unsupported SCSI Adapters on Windows
System fails due to usage of unsupported SCSI adapters with backup
Typically, the problem occurs when the SCSI device was accessed by
more than one Media Agent at the same time or when the length of the
transferred data defined by the device’s block size was larger than the
length supported by the SCSI adapter.
Action You can change the Block size in the Advanced Backup Options for
the backup specification.
For information on supported SCSI adapters, refer to the HP OpenView
Storage Data Protector Software Release Notes.
For detailed steps, refer to the online Help index keyword “setting
advanced options for devices and media”.
Medium Quality Statistics
This functionality is used to detect any problems with media while
they’re still in their early stages. Before each medium is ejected from a
drive, Data Protector queries the SCSI log sense command for medium
read and write statistic information. The information is written to the
media.log file.
The medium quality statistics feature is disabled by default. To enable it,
set the following global variable: Ob2TapeStatistics=1 in the Global
Options file.
Global Options file is located:
• on UNIX: /etc/opt/omni/options in the
• on Windows: <Data_Protector_home>\config\option