Manager-of-Managers Environment
Centralized Licensing
Chapter 8376
Deactivating Centralized Licensing
Centralized licensing can be deactivated and changed back to local
1. In the Data Protector Manager-of-Managers, click Clients in the
Context List.
2. In the Scoping Pane, right-click the Cell Manager for which you want
to deactivate centralized licensing, then click Configure Licensing
to open the wizard. The types and numbers of licenses available to
your selected Cell Manager are displayed.
3. Click the Local option to change licensing from remote to local.
4. Click Finish to apply the configuration.
5. Repeat the steps for all Cell Managers for which you want to
deactivate centralized licensing.
6. Log on to the MoM Manager and mount the following directory:
On Windows systems <Data_Protector_home>\config\cell
On UNIX systems /etc/opt/omni/cell
7. Rename the licdistrib.dat file, for example, to licdistrib.old.
The changes will take effect after you stop and restart Data Protector
services on the MoM Manager and each Cell Manager where you made
the changes. See “Restarting Data Protector Services” on page 364.