Integrations with Other Applications
Data Source Integration (DSI)
Chapter 13644
Data Source Integration (DSI)
What Is DSI? The Data Source Integration (DSI) allows you to use the HP OpenView
Performance Agent to log data, define alarms, and access metrics from
sources of data other than the metrics logged by the HP OpenView
Performance Agent scopeux collector. Data Protector provides a sample
script and configuration file that show you how to use the Data Protector
reporting command-line interface with Data Source Integration to log
data about the Data Protector environment, and backup and restore
What Can You
Some examples of what can be measured using the DSI integration are:
• Database size
•Media usage
•Media status
•Number of systems
• Amount of data per system
• Full and incremental backup figures.
Overview of
In order to use DSI, you have to:
• Identify what data you want to log
• Write a script to query data from Data Protector
• Set up a class specification file
• Compile the class specification file
• Start the logging process.
Data Protector provides a sample Korn shell (ksh) script and class
specification file that, by default, log two metrics: the number of clients
in cell and the size of IDB size. The script and class specification file can
be easily modified for collecting other information from Data Protector.
The scripts are supported on UNIX systems.
Configuring the
To configure the Data Protector DSI integration, follow these steps:
1. Write a script to collect data.