troubleshooting file
, 562
user interface, 590
when the user interface not accessible, 562
troubleshooting backup sessions
mount request for a library device
, 582
mount request for a standalone device, 581
protection expiration, 586
starting interactive sessions, 585
starting scheduled sessions, 584
unexpected mounted system detected, 583
troubleshooting communication
client fails
, 567
HOST file resolution problem, 567
host name resolution problems, 565
troubleshooting devices
device open problem
, 575
Exchanger control device not accessible, 574
hardware-related problems, 579
using unsupported SCSI adapters,
, 575
troubleshooting disaster recovery
Disk Delivery Disaster Recovery, Windows
, 515
Enhanced Disaster Recovery, Windows NT,
troubleshooting file, 562
troubleshooting media
medium header sanity check, 577
medium quality statistics, 575
troubleshooting messages, browsing, 561
troubleshooting networking
client fails, 567
HOST file resolution problem, 567
host name resolution problems, 565
troubleshooting the IDB
application restore sessions
, 586
backup problems, 598
data files missing, 596
import problems, 598
libraries (executables) missing, 595
MMDB and CDB not synchronized, 600
performance problems, 599
temporary directory missing, 597
upgrade problems, 592
user interface running, problems, 595
trustees, restoring, 288
types of notifications, 342
scheduled and started by the Data
Protector checking and maintenance
, 343
triggered when an event occurs, 342
types of reports
Backup Specifications
, 318
Configuration, 320
Device Error, 336
IDB, 321
Mount Request, 336
overview, 317
Pools and Media, 324
Sessions in Timeframe, 326
Single Session, 328
typographical conventions, xxi
unattended backup
, 207
starting, 209
undoing the clear
editing backup schedule, 210
backing up filesystems
, 161
disk discovery, client backup, 163
NFS backup, 164
pre- and post-exec commands, 257
restoring disk image (rawdisk), 273
restoring regular files, 276
root user, 90
VxFS snapshot, A-3
UNIX Cell Manager
disaster recovery methods
, 437
Manual Disaster Recovery, 512
recovery procedure, 512
UNIX client
Disk Delivery Disaster Recovery
, 507
unused media
, 107
update SRD File, Wizard, 446
updating system recovery data (SRD), 445
Upgrade.log, 552
usage policy, media, 104
appendable, 104
appendable on incrementals only, 104
non-appendable, 104
use free pool option, 104
use report group send method, notifications,
Use Shadow Copy, object specific option, 248