Disaster Recovery
Troubleshooting Disaster Recovery on Windows
Chapter 10 515
4. To update this new state with disaster recovery, you should
perform all necessary procedures (collecting system data, backup)
once more, as described in the “Preparing for a Disaster Recovery”
Troubleshooting Assisted Manual Disaster Recovery
Problem Drstart reports: “Can not copy <filename>”
This error is reported because the drstart utility can not copy the
specified file. One of the reasons may be that the file is locked by the
system. For example, if drstart cannot copy omniinet.exe, it might be
because the Inet service is already running. This is not a normal
scenario and should not happen after a clean install.
Action A dialog box will appear asking you whether you would like to proceed
with copying the rest of the files. If you click Yes, drstart will skip the
locked file and continue copying other files. This will solve the problem if
the file is locked by the system, as the process required for the disaster
recovery is already running and therefore the file does not need to be
You can also close the drstart utility by clicking the Abort button.
Troubleshooting Disk Delivery Disaster Recovery
Problem “Cannot Find Physical Location of Drives Selected for Disk
When using the Disk Delivery method for disaster recovery, it is possible
that you will receive the following error: “Cannot find physical location of
drives selected for disk delivery.” Objects will be restored when creating
a partition on the new disk if you select a drive letter that has not been
used before. The better solution would be:
Action Disaster recovery checks disk information before restoring objects. An
internal function reads the Registry value Information, which is created
by the Disk Administrator. If the Disk Administrator is started several
times, the Information value becomes corrupted (format is changed
during update) - the parsers fail in such cases. If you delete the
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\DISK Information key and restart the
Disk Administrator, the function will succeed.