Customizing the Data Protector Environment
Using Omnirc Options
Chapter 11 527
• OB2VXDIRECT: Enables direct (without cache) reading for
Advanced VxFS filesystems, as well as improving performance.
• OB2PORTRANGE: This option limits the range of port numbers
that Data Protector uses when allocating listen ports dynamically.
This option is typically set to enable the administration of a cell
through a firewall. Note that the firewall needs to be configured
separately and that the specified range does not affect the Inet listen
Example OB2PORTRANGE=40000-40199
This sets the port range to ports from 40000 to 40199.
• OB2PORTRANGESPEC: This option allows you to specify a range
of port numbers for every binary. This mechanism gives you more
control over the ranges and helps to keep their sizes smaller. Note
that the firewall needs to be configured separately and that the
specified range does not affect the Inet listen port.
For configuration examples, refer to “Firewall Support” on page 528.