Integrations with Other Applications
Microsoft Cluster Server Integration
Chapter 13 623
Failover of Application Other Than Data Protector
As the Data Protector cluster Cell Manager is a storage application
within a cluster environment, it has to be aware of other applications
that might be running within the cluster. If they are running on a node
other than Data Protector and if some application fails over to the node
where Data Protector is running, this will result in a high load on this
node. The node that previously managed only backup operations has now
to handle critical application requests as well. Data Protector allows you
to define what should happen in such a situation so that the critical
application data is protected and the load is balanced again. You can:
• Abort all running backup sessions
• Abort specific running backup sessions
• Inhibit the Data Protector cluster Cell Manager for a specific time
Aborting All Running Sessions If the backup is less important than
the application, Data Protector can automatically abort all running
sessions to balance the load after failover of the application.
To define this option use the omniclus command. This command is used
as part of a script that is run when a failover of the application occurs.
You need to create this script in advance and define it as a new resource
type in the application group.
To create the script that will abort all running sessions at failover of the
application other than Data Protector, perform the following steps:
1. In the <Data_Protector_home>\bin directory create a batch file
with the following command line:
omniclus.exe -clus <Data Protector_virtual_server>
-session * -abortsess
NOTE The * wild card represents all sessions. It can be replaced with the name
of a specific backup specification in order to abort only this specific
backup session.
2. Open the Windows Cluster Administrator and add a new resource to
the application group. For Resource type select Generic
Application. For Possible owners select the node on which this