Backing Up Windows Systems
Chapter 5 183
See also “Warnings When Backing Up System Disks” on page 263.
Event Logs Event logs are files where the Windows operating system saves
information about events, such as starting and stopping services or the
logging on and logging off of a user.
User Disk Quotas User Disk Quotas enable enhanced tracking and control over disk space
usage on Windows 2000.
Data Protector backs up user disk quotas on the whole system and for all
configured users at a time.
Event Logs, User Profiles, and User Disk Quotas are always backed up if
CONFIGURATION was selected in the Backup wizard.
See Figure 5-11, “Windows 2000/XP/Server 2003 CONFIGURATION.”,
and refer to “Example of Creating a Backup Specification” on page 155
for a step-by-step procedure.
Backing Up Windows Clients Using Disk Discovery
You can use disk discovery by specifying the client as a data source. If
another disk is added later, it will be included in the backup.
How Are Disks
If you specify a client backup with disk discovery, Data Protector contacts
the client and discovers all logical disk drives that belong to physical
disks on the client, except for CDs and removable drives. Then it backs
up the CONFIGURATION folder and each discovered logical drive as a
regular filesystem. The description text of each filesystem object will be
generated by appending the drive letter in square brackets to the
description of the Client Backup.
When to Use Disk
This backup type is recommended under the following circumstances:
• When backing up systems with relatively small disks
• When performing a whole system backup to prepare for disaster
• When the number of disks connected to the system varies.
For a client backup with disk discovery, it is not possible to select only
specific directory trees, because this implies a single logical drive
backup. It is, however, possible to exclude any directory from the backup.