Manager-of-Managers Environment
Working with a MoM Environment
Chapter 8 377
Working with a MoM Environment
The Manager-of-Managers interface enables you to configure, manage,
and control an enterprise backup environment from a single point.
In the MoM user interface, you can import and export cells, move clients
among cells, and distribute the MoM configuration to other cells in the
Other tasks are performed on the MoM Manager in the same way as if
you were a local administrator. Follow the standard procedure to
configure backup and restore, manage devices and media for a specific
cell, configure Data Protector users and user groups, add clients, monitor
running sessions and the status of the backup environment, and
configure reporting and notifications.
Importing and Exporting Data Protector Cells
Importing a cell into a MoM environment allows it to be centrally
managed using the MoM Manager. Exporting a cell will remove it from
the enterprise environment.
NOTE Cluster clients identify themselves to the MoM Manager with their
virtual server names. If you import or export a cluster in a MoM
environment, use only its virtual server name.
Importing a Cell
1. In the Data Protector Manager-of-Managers, click Clients in the
Context List.
2. Right-click Enterprise Clients, and then click Import Cell
3. Select a Cell Manager you want to import and click Finish.
Exporting a Cell
1. In the Data Protector Manager-of-Managers, click Clients in the
Context List.
2. In the Scoping Pane, right-click the Cell Manager you want to
export, and then click Export Cell Manager.
3. Confirm your choice.