Troubleshooting Backup and Restore Sessions
Chapter 12 587
to the <system_name.company.com>, but it cannot because it does not
know this system as <system_name.company.com>, but only as
<system_name>. The system name cannot be expanded to the full name
because the DNS is improperly configured. This situation can also be the
other way around, where DNS is configured on the Cell Manager and not
on the Application Client.
Action Set up the TCP/IP protocol and configure DNS properly. Refer to
Appendix B in the HP OpenView Storage Data Protector Installation and
Licensing Guide for information.
Problems with non-ASCII Characters in Filenames
In mixed platform environments, there are some limitations regarding
filenames containing non-ASCII characters.
Action See Appendix B in the HP OpenView Storage Data Protector Software
Release Notes for types of problems that occur, for situations in which
they occur, and for workarounds.