Data Protector Log Files
Chapter 12550
Data Protector Log Files
If you encounter problems using the Data Protector application, you can
use information in the log files to determine your problem.
Location of Data Protector Log Files
The Data Protector log files are located in the following directories:
• On Windows systems: <Data_Protector_home>\log
•On HP-UX and Solaris systems: /var/opt/omni/log
• On other UNIX systems: /usr/omni/log
• On Novell NetWare systems: SYS:\USR\OMNI\LOG
Format of Data Protector Log Files
Most Data Protector log file entries are of the following format:
<time_stamp> <process:PID:Thread_ID> <source_file and
branch> <Data Protector_version> <log_entry_message>
For example:
09/06/00 16:20:04 XOMNI.11561.0 ["/src/lib/ipc/ipc.c
/main/r31_split/10":3414] A.04.10 b325[ipc_receiveDataEx]
buffer 102400 bytes to small to receive data 796226418 bytes
=> ignored