
Monitoring, Reporting, Notifications, and the Event Log
Configuring Reports and Notifications on the Web
Chapter 7 353
Configuring Reports and Notifications on the
You can use your Web browser to view Data Protector reports and
Using the web reporting and notifications interface, you can view,
configure, and start Data Protector reports and notifications from any
system on your network. You can configure reports and notifications that
are delivered using various reporting methods and formats.
All reporting and notifications functionality accessible using the Data
Protector GUI is also accessible using Data Protector web reporting and
notifications. See below for the limitations.
When you install the Data Protector Cell Manager, the web reporting
user (called Java) is automatically created. By default, no password is
needed to use the Data Protector web reporting and notifications. By
configuring a Web user password you restrict the access to the Data
Protector web reporting and notifications functionality.
Limitations The following is a list of Data Protector web reporting and notifications
interface limitations:
You cannot edit, view, or delete the saved reports using the web
reporting and notifications interface.
You cannot start a report group using the web reporting and
notifications interface.
Whenever multiple input parameters (selections) are to be typed in
the web reporting and notifications interface, every parameter
(selection) has to be enclosed in double quotes if it contains spaces.
To use Data Protector web reporting and notifications, do the following:
1. Have a system with a configured and running web server. Data
Protector works with all popular web servers.
2. Copy Data Protector Java programs to the web server. The system
does not have to be a Data Protector client. The steps are described