Check Whether Data Protector Functions Properly
Chapter 12 605
Check Whether Data Protector Functions
The following sections provide an overview of the Data Protector
Checking and Maintenance Mechanism and an overview of things to be
checked in order to determine whether Data Protector is properly
configured in your backup environment.
Data Protector Checking and Maintenance
Data Protector provides its own checking and maintenance mechanism,
which is performing the following checking and maintenance tasks on a
daily basis:
• Deletes obsolete DC binary files, sessions, and related messages every
day at 12:00 (Noon) by default.
• Finds any free (unprotected) media in pools with the Use free pool
and Move free media to free pool options set and deallocates the
found free media to a free pool by issuing the following command
every day at 12:00 (Noon) by default:
omnidbutil -free_pool_update
For more information on the omnidbutil command, refer to the
omnidbutil man page. For more information on the above mentioned
options, refer to Chapter 4, “Managing Media,” on page 97.
Checks Every day at 12:30 P.M. by default, starts checks for the following Data
Protector notifications:
• Database Space Low
• Not Enough Free Media
• Health Check Failed
• User Check Failed
• Unexpected Events
• License Will Expire