Troubleshooting Networking and Communication
Chapter 12 565
Troubleshooting Networking and
The section addresses the following networking and communication
• “Hostname Resolution Problems” on page 565
• “Client Fails with “Connection Reset by Peer”” on page 567
Hostname Resolution Problems
Hostname resolution is a very common problem in a Data Protector
environment. It means that host A is unable to communicate with host B.
The table below shows Data Protector components and how they should
communicate within the Data Protector environment. Communication
among hosts means that host A in the table should resolve host B by its
fully qualified domain name (FQDN). Resolving a host means that host A
can interpret the FQDN and determine its IP address.
Table 12-2 Data Protector Components Name Resolution
Host A Host B
Disk Agent Client Host Media Agent Client Host
Disk Agent Client Host Cell Manager Host
Disk Agent Client Host MoM Server Host
Media Agent Client Host Disk Agent Client Host
Media Agent Client Host Cell Manager Host
Media Agent Client Host MoM Server Host
Cell Manager Host Media Agent Client Host
Cell Manager Host Disk Agent Client Host
Cell Manager Host MoM Server Host
MoM Server Host Disk Agent Client Host