Using Backup Options
Chapter 5 235
• If load balancing is only selected in the template, the device options
are applied only if the backup specification has no devices.
For more information on failed backups, refer to “Managing Failed
Backups” on page 263.
Ownership: Who Will Be Able to Restore?
Who Is a Backup
Session Owner?
A user who starts an interactive backup is the session owner. If a user
starts an existing backup specification without modifying it, the backup
session is not considered interactive.
If a modified backup specification is started by a user, the user is the
owner unless the following conditions apply:
• The user has the Switch Session Ownership user right.
• The backup session owner is explicitly defined in the backup
specification, where the username, group or domain name, and the
system name are specified. In that case, the backup session owner is
the user specified in the backup specification.
If a backup is scheduled on a UNIX Cell Manager, the session owner is
root:sys, unless the above conditions apply.
If a backup is scheduled on a Windows Cell Manager, the session owner
is the user specified at installation time, unless the above conditions
Who Can Restore
a Private Object?
The following users can restore a private object:
• Members of the Admin and Operator user group.
• The backup session owner who has the Start Restore user right.
Other user rights may be required, such as Restore to Another
• Users who have the See Private Objects user right.
Why Change the
Backup Owner?
Sometimes, you may want to change the backup owner. For example, if
the administrator configures and schedules a backup specification,
operators are allowed to run it, but they cannot modify or save it. If the
Private backup option is set for all objects, the operators are not able to
restore anything, but can still manage backups and restart failed