
Backing Up in a Direct Backup Environment
Chapter 5206
Oracle8i databases (online)
Oracle8i databases (offline)
Backing Up Rawdisks
Please refer to the online Help index keyword “configuring direct backup
specifications” for detailed information on how to configure a rawdisk
direct backup specification.
Backing Up Oracle8i Online and Offline
Please refer to the online Help index keyword “configuring direct backup
specifications” for detailed information on how to configure an Oracle8i
online or offline direct backup specification.
Starting Direct Backup Using the CLI
After a direct backup specification has been configured, you can start the
direct backup session using the GUI as described in the previous section,
or using the CLI as follows:
•for rawdisks
omnib -datalist <Name>
for Oracle8i Online and Offline
omnib -oracle8_list <Name>
where <Name> is the name of the direct backup specification.