HP (Hewlett-Packard) B6960-90078 Computer Drive User Manual

Managing the Data Protector Internal Database
Recovering the IDB
Chapter 9428
Mahost (Media Agent host)
Policy (number)
A policy number can be obtained using the following translation: 1
for Standalone devices, 3 for Stacker devices, 10 for SCSI-II
Libraries, and 5 for Jukebox devices.
Media type (number)
A media type number can be obtained using the following
translation: 1 for DDS, 3 for ExaByte, 10 for DLT, or 7 for File.
SCSI address
Robotics SCSI address (only if using Exchanger library devices)
5. Run the omnidbrestore command using the obtained information:
omnidbrestore -policy <log. device policy> -type <log.
device_type> [-ioctl <RoboticsDevice>] -dev <PhysicalDevice>
-mahost <DeviceHostname> -maid <mediumID> -daid <DAID>
For example, you would use the following command to restore the
IDB from a backup session with the medium ID
0100007f:3a486bd7:0410:0001 and the Disk Agent ID 977824764,
performed using a standalone device of the type DLT, connected to
the system cm.dot.com and with the SCSI address scsi0:1:2:0:
omnidbrestore -policy 1 -type 10 -dev scsi0:1:2:0 -mahost
cm.dom.com -maid 0100007f:3a486bd7:0410:0001 -daid 977824764
The command guides you through restoring the IDB and replaying
transaction logs since the last IDB backup.
If the transaction logs are not available, you can still update the IDB by
importing all media used since the last IDB backup. In this case, refer to
“Updating the IDB by Importing Media” on page 433.
Recovering the IDB from a Specific IDB Session
Use this procedure to recover the IDB from a backup other than the
latest one if the IDB recovery file (obrindex.dat) is available.
Prerequisites Ensure the following before performing the database recovery:
Mount a disk of the same size as before the disaster on the same
directories as at the IDB backup time (on Windows systems, the same
drive letters must be assigned). If this cannot be ensured, follow the