Disaster Recovery
Chapter 10 437
This section explains the basic terms used in the Disaster Recovery
chapter. For overview and concepts of the available disaster recovery
methods as well as table outlining the possible combinations of disaster
recovery methods and operating system, please see the Disaster
Recovery section in the HP OpenView Storage Data Protector Concepts
Table 10-1 Supported Disaster Recovery Methods and Operating Systems
Cell Manager Client
•“Assisted Manual
Disaster Recovery
of a Windows
System” on
page 450
Automated Disaster
Recovery of a
Windows System”
on page 463
•“One Button
Disaster Recovery
of a Windows
System” on
page 472
•“Assisted Manual
Disaster Recovery
of a Windows
System” on
page 450
• “Disk Delivery
Disaster Recovery
of a Windows
Client” on page 459
Automated Disaster
Recovery of a
Windows System”
on page 463
•“One Button
Disaster Recovery
of a Windows
System” on
page 472