Managing the Data Protector Internal Database
Recovering the IDB
Chapter 9 431
the procedure below, bring the OBVS_VELOCIS and OBVS_MCRS
cluster groups online using the Cluster Administrator utility.
How to Replay
Transaction Logs
Proceed as follows:
1. Run the following command to replay the transaction logs:
omnidbrestore -replay_only -firstlog
where <first_trans_log> is the first transaction log that was
created just after the IDB backup was started.
At the end of the omnidbrestore -autorecover output, Data
Protector displays the exact command you should use to replay the
transaction logs, giving you the name of the first transaction log.
For example, the command could be:
omnidbrestore -replay_only -firstlog AAAAAC
where AAAAAC is the first transaction log created after the IDB
backup was started.
2. Run the omnidbcheck command.
This completes the recovery procedure.
Recovering the IDB to a Different Disk Layout
You can restore the IDB to a disk of a different size than before the
disaster, and to different directories than at the backup time.
Prerequisites Ensure the following before recovering the IDB to a different disk layout:
• If possible, store the media.log file from the previous installation to
a safe place. It will provide you with information about the media
used since the last IDB backup.
• Verify that Data Protector is installed on the Cell Manager and the
system where a device is attached. (Preferably, this device was used
for the IDB backup.)
• Import the media with the IDB backup.
After you meet the prerequisites, proceed as follows to recover the IDB: