Integrations with Other Applications
MC/ServiceGuard Integration
Chapter 13636
IMPORTANT The service name must be the same as that used in the configuration file.
The service command (the SERVICE_CMD variable) must be the one used
in the example below.
For example:
SERVICE_NAME [0] = omni_sv
SERVICE_CMD [0] = “/etc/opt/omni/sg/csfailover.ksh start”
SERVICE_RESTART [0] = “-r 2”
To make sure that the Cell Manager package is restarted at
failover, set the SERVICE_RESTART parameter to -R (to restart the
service for an infinitive number of times; this is not recommended)
or to “-r <number of restarts>” (to restart the service for
defined number of times).
9. Check and propagate the Data Protector cluster package files, with
the following steps:
a. Copy the package control file to other nodes within the cluster:
remsh system2 “mkdir /etc/cmcluster/ob2cl”
rcp /etc/cmcluster/ob2cl/ob2cl.cntl
b. Enable the Data Protector shared disk as a cluster volume group
(created before) on all cluster nodes:
vgchange -c y /dev/vg_ob2cm
c. Check the Data Protector package:
cmcheckconf -P /etc/cmcluster/ob2cl.conf
d. If the check was successful, add the Data Protector package:
cmapplyconf -P /etc/cmcluster/ob2cl.conf
e. Start the package:
cmrunpkg ob2cl
The cluster should be configured and the Data Protector Cell
Manager package should be up and running.