Integrations with Other Applications
In This Chapter
Chapter 13612
In This Chapter
This chapter gives detailed information on how to integrate the following
applications with Data Protector:
“Cluster Integrations with Data Protector” on page 613
“Microsoft Cluster Server Integration” on page 617
“MC/ServiceGuard Integration” on page 627
“Veritas Cluster Integration” on page 640
“Data Source Integration (DSI)” on page 644
“Application Response Measurement (ARM) Integration” on page 646
“ManageX Integration” on page 648
“Access Points for System and Management Applications” on
page 649
For information on integrations with other applications, such as
Microsoft SQL, Oracle8, and many more, refer to the HP OpenView
Storage Data Protector Integration Guide. For a list of supported
integrations, see the Data Protector documentation overview in the
preface of this manual.
NOTE Some functionality is subject to specific Data Protector licenses. See the
HP OpenView Storage Data Protector Installation and Licensing Guide
for details.