HP (Hewlett-Packard) B6960-90078 Computer Drive User Manual

Backing Up Novell NetWare Systems
Chapter 5 195
Trustee information
Inherited right mask
File and directory attributes
Time attributes (creation date/time, modification date/time, last
accessed date/time, last modified date/time, last archived date)
•Owning name space
•Search mode
Volume or directory space restrictions. To back up volume
restrictions, select the whole volume object for backup.
Server Specific Information is backed up separately as a part of
CONFIGURATION mount point.
After backing up each file, the file’s archive flag is cleared and the
archive time is set.
The Novell NetWare filesystem provides file compression transparently
to NLMs and clients. By default, Data Protector backs up and
consequently restores such files in their compressed format. Thus, they
will be restored to Novell NetWare platforms. To restore Novell NetWare
compressed files to non-Novell NetWare platforms, use the Uncompress
NetWare compressed files option at a backup time.
What Is Not
Backed Up?
Files that are opened for shared access with the Denied read option
enabled cannot be backed up by Data Protector. You can set the Number
of retries option to increase the probability of the file being backed up.
This option is only useful if the applications operate in such a mode that
they use a certain file and then release it after a certain time.
System files that are in Queue directories are not backed up.
All files that belong to NDS are skipped. You can back up NDS
Extended attributes (which can be installed as a NetWare addition)
are not backed up.
Limitations The following features are unavailable for NetWare backups:
Pre-exec and post-exec options