Disaster Recovery
Assisted Manual Disaster Recovery of a Windows System
Chapter 10452
1. You need a Windows bootable installation CD-ROM to enable your
system to start from the CD-ROM. If you do not have a bootable
CD-ROM, use the standard procedure for booting the computer from
2. Ensure that you have drivers for the system you want to recover. You
may need to install some drivers, such as network, HBA and SCSI
drivers during Windows Setup.
3. To recover the crashed system, you need the following information
about the system before the disaster (stored also in the SRD file):
• If DHCP was not used before the disaster, the TCP/IP properties
(IP address, Default gateway, Subnet mask and DNS order)
• Client properties (Hostname)
4. Ensure that the following is true:
• You should have a successful full client backup. See “Backing Up
Filesystems (Logical Disk Drives)” on page 168 and “Backing Up
CONFIGURATION” on page 173.
• You should have a SRD file updated with information about
backed up objects in the chosen successful backup session. See
“Updating the System Recovery Data (SRD)” on page 445.
• In the case of a Cell Manager recovery, you need a successful IDB
backup of the Cell Manager. Refer to “Preparing for IDB
Recovery” on page 390 for more information on how to perform a
IDB backup.
• The disk with the boot partition requires free disk space that is
needed for:
✓ On Windows NT: the Data Protector disaster recovery
installation (15 MB) and temporary DR OS installation (150
MB). Additionally, you need as much free space, as required for
the restore of the original system. If you had applied the
Compress Drive on the original partition, its size will be
doubled when restored.
✓ On other Windows systems: the Data Protector disaster
recovery installation (15 MB) and active DR OS installation.
Additionally, you also need as much free space, as required for
the restore of the original system.
5. Copy the contents of <Data_Protector_home>\Depot\DRSetup or