Chapter 12 559
onboard_type/Adaptec xxx/... for Windows Media Agent
• The operating system version, for example, HP-UX 11.00,
Windows NT Server 4.0 SP2...
• Topology information obtained from the omnicellinfo -cell
command output.
• The output of the devbra -DEV command if you have issues with
backup devices.
3. Discuss the technical issue with the support organization and request
the following information:
• Debug level (For example, “1-99.” This is a command option
needed later.).
• Debug scope (client only, Cell Manager only, all)
4. Delete any files from previous debugging sessions in the following
• On Windows systems: <Data_Protector_home>\tmp
• On UNIX systems: /tmp
• On Novell NetWare systems: SYS:\USR\OMNI\TMP
5. Exit all user interfaces and stop all other backup activities in the cell.
6. In case you need to collect the CRS debugs as well, you need to:
• Stop the Data Protector services on the Cell Manager.
• Restart the services in the debug mode.
7. On the Cell Manager run the following command to start the GUI in
debug mode:
• On Windows systems: manager -debug 1-99 error_run.txt
• On UNIX systems: xomni -debug 1-99 error_run.txt
You can define the postfix of the trace file names created by
substituting the error_run text with your preference.
8. Reproduce the problem using Data Protector.
9. Exit all user interfaces to quit the debug mode.
If you have to collect CRS debugs as well, you have to stop the Data