Microsoft Volume Shadow Copy
service (VSS)
A software service that provides a
unified communication interface to
coordinate backup and restore of a VSS-
aware application regardless of its
specific features. This service
collaborates with the backup
application, writers, shadow copy
providers, and the operating system
kernel to implement the management of
volume shadow copies and shadow copy
See also shadow copy, shadow copy
provider, writer.
mirror (ZDB specific term)
See replica unit.
mirror rotation (HP StorageWorks
Disk Array XP specific term)
See replica storage rotation.
The Media Management Daemon
process (service) runs on the Data
Protector Cell Manager and controls
media management and device
operations. The process is started when
Data Protector is installed on the Cell
The Media Management Database
(MMDB) is a part of the IDB that
contains information about media,
media pools, devices, libraries, library
drives, and slots configured in the cell,
as well as the Data Protector media used
for backup. In an enterprise backup
environment, this part of the database
can be common to all cells.
See also CMMDB, CDB.
Several cells can be grouped together
and managed from a central cell. The
management system of the central cell is
the Manager-of-Managers (MoM). The
MoM allows you to configure and
manage multiple cells from a central
mount request
A screen prompt that tells you to insert a
specific medium into a device. Once you
respond to the mount request by
providing the required medium and
confirm the mount request, the session
mount point
The access point in a directory structure
for a disk or logical volume, for example
/opt or d:. On UNIX the mountpoints are
displayed using the bdf or df command.
The Data Protector Media Session
Manager, which runs on the Cell
Manager and controls media sessions,
such as copying media.