Restoring Your Data
Chapter 6272
possible options: Keep most recent, No overwrite, and Overwrite. For
more information on these options, refer to “Restore Options” on
page 294.
Specifying Restore Location
By default, Data Protector restores data to the same client and directory
from which it was backed up. You can change these default settings in
the Destination property page by specifying where to restore your data
• With the appropriate user rights, you can restore to another client.
• You can restore to another directory.
This specification can be set on a per-object basis.
Additionally, Data Protector offers the Restore As/Into option for
specifying a different location for individual files and directories from the
same backup object. This specification can be set on a per-object basis or
for the individual files.
For more information on specifying restore location, refer to “Restoring
Files to Different Paths” on page 299.
Setting Restore Options
Set restore options in the Options property page of your restore. These
are available according to the type of data being restored. For example,
not all restore options available for a filesystem restore are available for
a disk image restore. For more information on restore options, refer to
“Restore Options” on page 294.
Restoring Under Another Device
By default, the device used for restore is the same device as the one the
backup was made to. You can restore your data from any device
configured in the same Data Protector cell. To specify a new device, click
the Change button in the Devices property page of your restore. The new
device will be used for this session only.