Monitoring, Reporting, Notifications, and the Event Log
Report Send Methods
Chapter 7 333
NOTE On a UNIX Cell Manager, SNMP traps are sent to the systems
configured in the notification.
On a Windows Cell Manager, SNMP traps are sent to the systems
configured in the Windows SNMP traps configuration.
Windows NT To configure Windows NT SNMP traps, proceed as follows:
1. On the Cell Manager, click Control Panel, Network, and then
Services. If there is no SNMP Service entry in the list of network
services under the Services tab, perform step 2. If there is, skip step
2. Click Add and select SNMP Service. Click OK. Insert the Windows
NT installation CD, or provide an alternative path to the requested
files. Click Continue.
3. Select SNMP Service and click Properties. Select the Traps tab
and enter public in the Community Name drop-down list. Click Add
next to the Community Name drop-down list.
4. Click Add under Trap Destinations text box and enter the
hostname of the VPO Management Server. Click Add. Repeat this
step to add any number of VPO Management Servers.
5. Click OK. Click Close.
6. Start omnisnmp.
To configure Windows 2000/XP/Server 2003 SNMP traps, proceed as
1. On the Cell Manager, click Settings, and then Network and
Dial-up Connections.
2. In the Advanced menu, select Optional Networking Components
to start the wizard.
3. In the wizard, select Management and Monitoring tools and click
4. Follow the wizard to install the Management and Monitoring tools.
5. Open Control Panel, Administrative Tools and then