Troubleshooting Networking and Communication
Chapter 12566
DNS Resolution Problem
Test DNS resolution among hosts using the omnicheck command. Refer
to the “Verifying DNS Connections within Data Protector Cell” section in
the HP OpenView Storage Data Protector Installation and Licensing
Guide and to omnicheck man page for more information on how to use
the command.
Enter the following command:
omnicheck -dns
This will check all DNS connections needed for normal Data Protector
Problem If the response to the omnicheck command is:
<client_1> connects to <client_2>, but connected system
presents itself as <client_3>
The message may occur when the hosts file on client_1 is not correctly
configured or the hostname of the client_2 does not match its DNS
If the response to the omnicheck command is:
<client_1> failed to connect to <client_2>
The message may occur when the hosts file on client_1 is not correctly
configured or client_2 is unreachable (for example, disconnected).
Action Consult your network administrator. Depending on how your
environment is configured to perform name resolution, you may need to
resolve this problem either in your DNS configuration or by editing the
hosts file located in the following directories:
• On Windows: <%SystemRoot%>\System32\drivers\etc
• On UNIX: /etc
MoM Server Host Media Agent Client Host
MoM Server Host Cell Manager Host
Table 12-2 Data Protector Components Name Resolution
Host A Host B