Manager-of-Managers Environment
Working with a MoM Environment
Chapter 8378
Moving Client Systems Among Cells
Data Protector allows you to move systems among cells. During the
process, Data Protector:
• Checks whether the system to be moved is configured in any backup
specification and leads you through the steps to reconfigure the
backup of this system in the new cell.
• Checks whether there are any devices configured on the system and
leads you through the steps to move devices to another system.
• Checks whether there are media used in the devices on this system
and leads you through the steps to move media.
Moving Clients 1. In the Data Protector Manager-of-Managers, click Clients in the
Context List.
2. Expand the Cell Manager that has the system that you want to move
to another cell.
3. Right-click the client system and then click Move Client System to
Other Cell to open the wizard.
4. Select the target Cell Manager and click Finish to move the client.
Distributing the MoM Configuration
Data Protector allows you to create a common user class specification,
holidays file settings, global options file settings, and vaulting on all Cell
Managers in a MoM environment.
How to Distribute
the MoM
To distribute the MoM configuration, follow these steps:
1. In the Data Protector Manager-of-Managers click Clients in the
Context List, right-click Enterprise Clients, and then click
Distribute Configuration.
2. In the Distribute Configuration dialog box, select the type of
configuration and the Cell Managers to which you want to distribute
the selected configuration.
3. Click Finish to distribute the configuration.