Customizing the Data Protector Environment
Firewall Support
Chapter 11542
This leads to the following firewall rule for the connection to the Inet
listen port:
✓ Allow connections from the GUI system to port 5555 on the CM
2. Table 11-1 shows that CRS requires only one port. However, since
other processes may allocate ports from this range as well, you should
specify a range of about five ports on the CM system. The port range
could be defined as follows:
The resulting firewall rule for the connection to the CRS process is:
✓ Allow connections from the GUI system to ports 20000-20004 on
the CM system
3. For the Session Manager, the situation is much more complex. Every
Session Manager requires only one port. However, the number of
Session Managers (BSM, RSM, MSM, DBSM) heavily depends on the
backup environment. The minimum requirement can be estimated
with the following formula:
Table 11-4
Process Port
Inet 5555
CRS Dynamic
BSM Dynamic
RSM Dynamic
MSM Dynamic
DBSM Dynamic
Ports NoO
ConcurrentSessions NoO