
Using Backup Options
Chapter 5246
Open Files (Windows-Specific Option)
This option controls what Data Protector does when it encounters open
Windows files. If the Number of retries value is specified, this number
defines how many times Data Protector tries to back up an open or busy
file. The Time out value is the amount of time in seconds during which
Data Protector waits before retrying to back up an open or busy file.
Protection (Data Protection)
This option enables you to set the protection level for backed up data. In
this way, you prevent the backup media from being overwritten for the
specified period. The Protection values are None, Until, Days,
Weeks, and Permanent.
The default value is Permanent.
This option lets you set the access rights for restoring data that you back
up. If a filesystem is backed up with the Private setting, it can be
restored only by you or users who are part of the Data Protector Admin
Setting the value to Public lets anyone with the Start Restore user
right restore the data.
The default value is Private.
Report Level
This option defines the level of errors that are reported during a backup
session. Setting a level means errors of this level and higher are
reported. You can choose from Warning, Minor, Major, and Critical
report level.
For example, when the value Minor is set, all errors graded as Minor,
Major, and Critical are reported in the Messages field. Messages keyed
as Normal always appear in the Messages field. The default value is
NOTE The number of messages per backup system stored in the IDB is limited
to 3000.