Customizing the Data Protector Environment
Global Options File
Chapter 11 523
Global Options File
Global options affect the entire Data Protector cell, and cover various
aspects of Data Protector, such as time-outs and limits. All global options
are described in the global options file, which you can edit in order to
customize Data Protector. It is located in the /etc/opt/omni/options
directory on the UNIX Cell Manager and in the
<Data_Protector_home>\config\options directory on Windows Cell
Manager. The file is named global.
How to Use Global
Each option has a hash mark, or pound sign (#), which comments out the
option and provides an explanation of the option in the text following the
hash mark. For options not described in this guide, refer to the file itself.
To use a global option, uncomment the line that has the option name and
set an appropriate value. To uncomment a line, simply remove the ‘#’
NOTE Most users should be able to operate Data Protector without changing
the global options.
Most Often Used Variables
The following list includes the most often used global variables. See the
Global Options file for a complete description.
• MediaView: Changes the fields and their order in the Media
Management context.
• MaxBSessions: Changes the default limit of five concurrent backups.
• InitOnLoosePolicy: Allows Data Protector to automatically
initialize blank or unknown tapes under a loose media policy.
• MaxMAperSM: Increases the default limit of concurrent devices per
backup session. (Maximum device concurrency is 32.)
• DCDirAllocation: Determines the algorithm used for selecting into
which dcbf directory a new detail catalog binary file goes. Three
algorithms are available: fill in sequence (default), balance size, and