
©2008 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.
SMBus Module and ACPI Block (Device 20, Function 0)
AMD SB600 Register Reference Manual Proprietary Page 105
GPIO_64_to_61_Cntrl - RW – 16 bits - [PCI_Reg: 56h]
Field Name Bits Default Description
GPIO_64_to_61_Cntrl register
ASFSMbusIoBase- RW - 16 bits - [PCI_Reg: 58h]
Field Name Bits Default Description
ASFSMBusEnable 0 0h 0 – Disable ASF controller
1 – Enable ASF controller
Reserved 3:1 000b
ASFSMBase 15:4 FFFh ASF SM bus controller Io base address
GPIO_73_to_70_Cntrl - RW – 16 bits - [PCI_Reg: 5Ah]
Field Name Bits Default Description
GPIO_Out 3:0 0h Write 1 to set and 0 to clear each of the GPIO port ; providing
the corresponding GPIO_OUT_En# and GPIO_Enable are set
Bit[0] for GPIO70/REQ3#
Bit[1] for GPIO71/REQ4#
Bit[2] for GPIO72/GNT3#
Bit[3] for GPIO73/GNT4#
GPIO_Out_En# 7:4 Fh GPIO output port enable for each of the GPIO port
0: Output = GPIO_Out
1: Output = tristate
GPIO_Status 11:8 - GPIO input status for each of the GPIO port
GPIO_Enable 15:12 0h GPIO function enable for each of the GPIO port
When set, the pin becomes GPIO
0: GPIO disabled
1: GPIO enabled
GPIO_73_to_70_Cntrl register
SmartPowerControl1A - RW – 8 bits - [PCI_Reg: 5Ch]
Field Name Bits Default Description
CheckLpc 0 0b If SmartVoltEnable is set and this bit is also set, the
SmartPower function will only assert SmartVolt if LPC is idle
CheckAz 1 0b If SmartVoltEnable is set and this bit is also set, the
SmartPower function will only assert SmartVolt if HD audio is
CheckAc97 2 0b If SmartVoltEnable is set and this bit is also set, the
SmartPower function will only assert SmartVolt if AC97 is idle
CheckPciBridge 3 0b If SmartVoltEnable is set and this bit is also set, the
SmartPower function will only assert SmartVolt if HD Audio
PCIBridge is idle
CheckUsb 4 0b If SmartVoltEnable is set and this bit is also set, the
SmartPower function will only assert SmartVolt if USBis idle
CheckSata 5 0b If SmartVoltEnable is set and this bit is also set, the
SmartPower function will only assert SmartVolt if SATA is idle
CheckIde 6 0b If SmartVoltEnable is set and this bit is also set, the
SmartPower function will only assert SmartVolt if IDE is idle
CheckC3 7 0b If SmartVoltEnable is set and this bit is also set, the
SmartPower function will only assert SmartVolt if CPU is in C3
SmartPowerControl1A register