AMD SB600 Cash Register User Manual

©2008 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.
LPC ISA Bridge (Device 20, Function 3)
AMD SB600 Register Reference Manual Proprietary Page 263
SPI_CmdValue1 Register- RW - 32 bits - [Mem_Reg 14h]
Field Name Bits Default Description
WREN 7:0 06h This is used to compare against the opcode sent out by the
MAC. This is a predefined value to decode for the WREN (write
enable) command from the MAC. In the bridge mode, SB600
will need to decode commands from the MAC
WRDI 15:8 04h This is used to compare against the opcode sent out by the
MAC. This is a predefined value to decode for the WRDI (write
disable) command from the MAC.
RDID 23:16 9Fh This is used to compare against the opcode sent out by the
MAC. This is a predefined value to decode for the RDID (read
ID) command from the MAC
RDSR 31:24 05h This is used to compare against the opcode sent out by the
MAC. This is a predefined value to decode for the RDSR (read
status register) command from the MAC
Note: Either the SpiAccessMacRomEn and/or the SpiHostAccessRomEn bit is cleared. All of these registers
become read only and cannot be changed.
SPI_CmdValue2 Register- RW - 32 bits - [Mem_Reg 18h]
Field Name Bits Default Description
Read 7:0 03h This is used to compare against the opcode sent out by the
MAC. This is a predefined value to decode for the Read (Read
byte) command from the MAC. In the bridge mode, SB600 will
need to decode commands from the MAC
FRead 15:8 0Bh This is used to compare against the opcode sent out by the
MAC. This is a predefined value to decode for the FRead (fast
read) command from the MAC.
PAGEWR 23:16 0Ah This is used to compare against the opcode sent out by the
MAC. This is a predefined value to decode for the PAGEWR
(page write) command from the MAC
BYTEWR 31:24 02h This is used to compare against the opcode sent out by the
MAC. This is a predefined value to decode for the BYTEWR
(byte write) command from the MAC.
Note: Either the SpiAccessMacRomEn and/or the SpiHostAccessRomEn bit is cleared. All of these registers
become read only and cannot be changed.
SPI_FakeID Register- RW - 8 bits - [Offset 1Ch]
Field Name Bits Default Description
SPI_FakeID 7:0 FFh This is used as the faked ID value to be returned to the MAC as
a response to the RDID command. This is only used under the
bridge mode.