AMD SB600 Cash Register User Manual

©2008 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.
OCHI USB 1.1 and EHCI USB 2.0 Controllers
AMD SB600 Register Reference Manual Proprietary Page 49
Config Timers / MSI Disable (OHCI0 only) – RW - 16 bits - [PCI_Reg : 40h]
Field Name Bits Default Description
MSI Disable 12:8 00h When these bits are set MSI capability will be disabled for
the corresponding Host Controller.
Bit 8 – OHCI0
Bit 9 – OHCI1
Bit 10 – OHCI2
Bit 11 – OHCI3
Bit 12 – OHCI4
Reserved 15:13 0h Reserved
Port Disable (OHCI0 only) – RW - 16 bits - [PCI_Reg : 42h]
Field Name Bits Default Description
Port_disable 9:0 00h When these bits are set the corresponding ports are
disabled. For example, if bit-0 is set, then port-0 (its
corresponding port) is disabled; if bit-1 is set, then its
corresponding port (port-1) is disabled (and so on).
Reserved 15:10 00h Reserved
OHCI Misc Control (OHCI0 only) – RW - 16 bits - [PCI_Reg: 50h]
Field Name Bits Default Description
Reserved 7:0 00h Reserved.
DisUsbS3OvrCur 8 0b Set to 1 to disable over-current detection for both EHCII and
Reserved 9 0b Reserved.
OHCI Cache Enable 10 1b Enable bit for 64 byte OHCI DMA cache.
OHCI Prefetch Enable 11 1b Enable bit to prefetch next cache line for OHCI DMA reads.
SMI Handshake Disable 12 0b If this bit is set the Handshake between USB and ACPI is
disabled when SMI is requested by USB
Reserved 15: 13 0h Reserved.
Over Current Control 1 (OHCI0 only) – R - 32 bits - [PCI_Reg : 58h]
Field Name Bits Default Description
Port0 OverCurrent Control 3:0 Fh The register is to control the OverCurrent pin mapping for
Port-0. There are 10 OverCurrent pins (USB_OC0 ~
USB_OC9), any value greater than 0x9h will disable the
OverCurrent function for port-0.
Port1 OverCurrent Control 7:4 Fh The register is to control the OverCurrent pin mapping for
Port-1. There are 10 OverCurrent pins (USB_OC0 ~
USB_OC9), any value greater than 0x9h will disable the
OverCurrent function for port-1.
Port2 OverCurrent Control 11:8 Fh The register is to control the OverCurrent pin mapping for
Port-2. There are 10 OverCurrent pins (USB_OC0 ~
USB_OC9), any value greater than 0x9h will disable the
OverCurrent function for port-2.
Port3 OverCurrent Control 15:12 Fh The register is to control the OverCurrent pin mapping for
Port-3. There are 10 OverCurrent pins (USB_OC0 ~
USB_OC9), any value greater than 0x9h will disable the
OverCurrent function for port-3.
Port4 OverCurrent Control 19:16 Fh The register is to control the OverCurrent pin mapping for
Port-4. There are 10 OverCurrent pins (USB_OC0 ~
USB_OC9), any value greater than 0x9h will disable the
OverCurrent function for port-4.