
©2008 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.
SATA Registers (Device 18, Function 0)
AMD SB600 Register Reference Manual Proprietary Page 14
Register Name Offset Address
Serial ATA Capability Register 0 70h
Serial ATA Capability Register 1 74h
IDP Index 78h
IDP Data 7Ch
PHY Port0 Control 88h
PHY Port1 Control 8Ch
PHY Port2 Control 90h
PHY Port3 Control 94h
BIST pattern Count C0h
PCI Target Control TimeOut Counter C4h
Vendor ID - R - 16 bits - [PCI_Reg:00h]
Field Name Bits Default Description
Vendor ID 15:0 1002h This register holds a unique 16-bit value assigned to a vendor.
Combined with the device ID, it identifies any PCI device.
Device ID - R - 16 bits - [PCI_Reg:02h]
Field Name Bits Default Description
Device ID 15:0 4380h This register holds a unique 16-bit value assigned to a device.
Combined with the vendor ID, it identifies any PCI device.
4380h for the non-Raid5 controller
4381h for the Raid5 controller.
Bonding option default to the non-Raid 5 controller.
Command - RW - 16 bits - [PCI_Reg:04h]
Field Name Bits Default Description
I/O Access Enable 0 0b This bit controls access to the I/O space registers. When this
bit is 1, it enables the SATA controller to respond to PCI IO
space access.
Memory Access Enable 1 0b This bit controls access to the memory space registers. When
this bit is 1, it enables the SATA controller to respond to PCI
memory space access
Bus Master Enable 2 0b Bus master function enable.
1 = Enable
0 = Disable.
Special Cycle
Recognition Enable
3 0b Read Only. Hardwired to ‘0’
Memory Write and
Invalidate Enable
4 0b Read Only. Hardwired to ‘0’
VGA Palette Snoop
5 0b Read Only. Hard-wired to ‘0’ indicating that the SATA host
controller does not need to snoop VGA palette cycles.
PERR- Detection Enable 6 0b If set to 1, the IDE host controller asserts PERR- when it is the
agent receiving data AND it detects a parity error. PERR- is
not asserted if this bit is 0.
Wait Cycle Enable 7 0b Read Only.
Hard-wired to ‘0’ to indicate that the SATA controller does not
need to insert a wait state between the address and data on
the AD lines.
SERR- Enable 8 0b If set to 1, and bit 6 is set, then the SATA controller asserts
SERR- when it detects an address parity error. SERR- is not
asserted if this bit is 0.
Fast Back-to-Back
9 0b Read Only. Hard-wired to ‘0’ to indicate that fast back to back
is only allowed to the same agent.
Interrupt Disable 10 0b Complies with the PCI 2.3 specification.
Reserved 15:11 Reserved.