©2008 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.
SMBus Module and ACPI Block (Device 20, Function 0)
AMD SB600 Register Reference Manual Proprietary Page 162
MiscEnable67 – RW – 8 bits – [PM_Reg:67h]
Field Name Bits Default Description
TempPolarity 6:5 00b Temperature polarity control for THRMTRIP and TALERT
respectively. 0: active low; 1; active high
DlySlpEn 7 0b Set to 1 to delay recognition of STPGNT# until there is no
pending read in AB
MiscEnable67 register
MiscEnable68 – RW – 8 bits – [PM_Reg:68h]
Field Name Bits Default Description
NicePBE 0 0b When set, the CPU ‘s assertion of PBE# during C state will
cause SB to break out from C state gracefully; i.e., it will finish
the C state entry sequence first before it will revert back to C0.
If this bit is not set, it will break out from C state abruptly. It is
recommended to set this bit.
MaskCState 1 0b (Use this only for the P4 system. Leave it 0 for the K8 system).
If this bit is set, the pending break event will prevent the SB
from entering C state. The LVL read will be completed with no
MaskApicEn 2 0b If set, the APIC interrupt will be deferred until the first ACPI
access when the system resumes from S state. For K8 CPU
additionally A20M# IGNNE# INTR NMI INIT# will be deferred
the same way, but SMI# will not be deferred.
THRMTRIP_Enable 3 1b When set, GEVENT2 becomes THRMTRIP function. When
THRMTRIP pin is low and PM 55h, bit 0 is set, hardware will
switch the system to S5 automatically.
MaskRtcClkOut 4 0b If set, RtcClkOut will stop toggling.
LLB_Enable 5 0b If set, LLB function is enabled, system won’t wakeup from
ACPI S state until LLB# is de-asserted.
AcpiThrotPeriod 7:6 00b Selects the software clock throttling period
00: 15µs
01: 30µs
10: 244µs
11: Reserved
MiscEnable68 register
WatchDogTimerControl – RW – 8 bits – [PM_Reg:69h]
Field Name Bits Default Description
WatchDogTimerDisable 0 1b When set, watchdog timer will be disabled
Reserved 7:1 00h
WatchDogTimerControl register
WatchDogTimerBase0 – RW – 8 bits – [PM_Reg:6Ch]
Field Name Bits Default Description
Reserved 2:0 000b
WatchDogTimerBase0 7:3 00000b WatchDogTimer Base address [7:3]
WatchDogTimerBase0 register
WatchDogTimerBase1 – RW – 8 bits – [PM_Reg:6Dh]
Field Name Bits Default Description
WatchDogTimerBase1 7:0 00h WatchDogTimer Base address [15:8]
WatchDogTimerBase1 register