AMD SB600 Cash Register User Manual

©2008 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.
OCHI USB 1.1 and EHCI USB 2.0 Controllers
AMD SB600 Register Reference Manual Proprietary Page 92
UTMI Control – RW - 32 bits - [EOR_Reg: EHCI_EOR + 94h]
Field Name Bits Default Description
VBusy 17 0b RO – To block software write to [16:8] when port router is updating the
Reserved 31:18 Reserved
BIST Control / Loopback Test – RW - 32 bits - [EOR_Reg : EHCI_EOR + 98h]
Field Name Bits Default Description
Reserved 7:0 00h Reserved
Enable Loop Back
8 0b Enable external USB Port Loop back test.
The Loop Back test is to set one port to TX mode (Test Packet mode)
and one port in RX mode (Test SE0_NAK). Please reference to
PORTSCx[19:16] control the port into TX or RX mode.
Loopback Test
9 0b Read Only.
Loop back status.
0: CRC Error on Loop Back Receiving Data
1: Good CRC on Loop Back Receiving data
Loopback Test
10 0b Read Only.
Indicate Loop back test done.
Reserved 31:11 00000h
EOR MISC Control – RW - 32 bits - [EOR_Reg : EHCI_EOR + 9Ch]
Field Name Bits Default Description
Reserved 11:0 000h Reserved
EHCI Power
Saving Enable
12 0b Enable power saving clock gating. When enabled, dynamic clock gating
is enabled when EHCI is not at operational mode. The clock goes to all
memory module will be gated off, and the internal bus clock also gets
gated off unless the connection interrupt is detected.
Reserved 31:13 00000h Reserved
USB Common PHY Calibration – RW - 32 bits - [EOR_Reg: EHCI_EOR + A0h]
Field Name Bits Default Description
6:0 xx Enables power saving clock gating (this was original at bit-31). When
enabled, dynamic clock gating is enabled when EHCI is not at
operational mode. The clock goes to all memory module will be gated
off, The blink clock also is gated off unless the connection interrupt is
Reserved 7 0b Reserved
NewCalBus 15:8 00h New calibration bus signed value. Bit-15 is the signed bit.
16 0b If set, the PHY’s calibration value in bit[6:0] is returned to the PHY ports.
If clear, the value after adjustment is returned to the PHY ports.
17 0b If set, the signed NewCalBus is added to the ComCalBus and returned
to the PHY ports. Any overflow is clamped to all ones. Any underflow is
clamped to all zeros.
If clear, the NewCalBus (bit-14:8) replaces the ComCalBus and returns
to the PHY ports.
Reserved 31:18 0000h Reserved
1. The equation for calibration resistor is as follows: Rcal = 1/ [1/59.4 + CalValue/(1.05*3.8k ohm)], where the
CalValue is the final 7 bits of calibration setting send to PHY.
2. The total termination resistance value for HS USB D+/D- should include another 5 ohm resistance from FS
driver. USB2.0 Debug Port Registers
This block of registers is memory-mapped. The base offset, Dbase, is directly defined in DBUG_PRT