C122-E003-02EN 3-169
3.6 Maintenance Menu Backup EFI Configuration window
The [Backup EFI Configuration] window can be used to back up EFI configuration
information to the PC whose browser displays this window.
Figure 3.82 [Backup EFI Configuration] window
Table 3.133 Displayed and setting items in the [Backup EFI Configuration]
Table 3.134 Buttons in the [Backup EFI Configuration] window
Item Description
Select the partition whose EFI configuration information is to be
backed up.
# Partition number
Partition Name Partition name
Button Description
Backup Select the partition whose EFI configuration information is to be
backed up, click the [Backup] button, and a dialog box opens in the
browser. Select the save path, and click the [OK] button to
download the file.
The default name of the backup EFI configuration file is:
• partition-number_save-date_EFI-version.dat
Cancel Click the [Cancel] button to cancel backing up the EFI
configuration file.